Monday, February 18, 2008

Persiapan pindah

Rabu- 30January - Seperti udah di planning dengan moving company, mereka akan dateng untuk menge-pak barang2 kami. Semua carton box, foam plastic, dan semua tetek bengek untuk packing udah mereka bawa. Surprise, karena untuk semua barang2 kami, yg ngerjain cuman 3orang. Wah, agak skeptik mereka bisa ngerjain cepat. Tapi ternyata hanya butuh waktu 3hari untuk beresin barang kami yang ternyata gak bisa dibilang sedikit itu. Kalo aku musti ngerjain sendiri, hmm...mungkin 2bulan kali baru kelar.
Pertama mereka ngerjain bagian ruang tamu, untuk packing furniture yg akan kami bawa, lalu bagian dapur, seterus nya satu demi satu kamar satu persatu.
Sebenernya sih, aku gak perlu ngerjain apa2 karena SEMUA mereka ngerjain. Tapi kog ngrasa stress juga ya, padahal cuman ngliatin DOANG lho..haha. Bingung gak sih.
Jumat - 1February - Barang sudah selesai di packing kurang lebih pukul satu siang. Totalnya juga udah ketahuan 69 box. Ih, Ngeri deh. Sebenernya gak termasuk banyak sih. Karena tetangga yang sama-sama ditransfer juga jumlahnya lebih ngeri 78 box, dan semuanya yang BULKY- BULKY.

Pukul kurang lebih 3 sore, barang2 sudah siap diloading di kontainer. Dan akhirnya, dalam hitungan satu jam. Rumah kami jadi keliatan Lapaaannnnnnggggg.....sedih, ngliatnya. Bukan karena lapangnya, tapi sedih karena harus meninggalkan rumah yang bawa memori ini. Yes, there are times yang kadang kala sebel ama rumah ini mengingat banyaknya semut yang sering menyerang. Tapi sebelku suka ilang ngliat tamanku yang hijau dan so proud of my garden.
Akhirnya one more thing we need to do. Barang2 udah dikirim, hanya satu lagi precious belonging that we need to hand over, which is our dog. Si Giovanno alias gio-gio udah ikut suamiku sejak berusia 8bulan. Dan sekarang usianya udah lebih dari 4tahun. Walaupun aku gak terlalu suka ama anjing, tapi Gio-gio has this irressitable eye that melt me down.
Ngliat dia jadi suka kasian..hehe. Mau gak mau jadi sayang juga.
Malam itu jam 10, ibu yuyuk datang ambil si gio2. Wah, kita sempetin poto untuk kenang2an.

Si Zoey, yang masih belum paham hanya menatap bingung melihat gio-gio diangkut naek mobil bu Yuyuk. Untung aja, gak sampai nangis. Gio-gio good luck, am sure you are in the good hand!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Good bye Balikpapan! So long......

Balikpapan, 28Jan08

Right now, my mind is wandering around. I feel excited and at the same time feel sad. Thinking flash back, October 1999 - the first time I stepped into this town. Small town, it was ..the town that was totally different from what I expected. It’s a clean town, with too many foreigners. For the first few months I stayed here, I just wanted to get out from this place. Now, after few years staying here…gosh, it’s just O So difficult to get my feet out from this place. Wherever I go, I eventually always come back here. When I left this town on 2003, I thought..that’s it! I would never return to this city, but guess what? I happened to marry with a guy who works here, so …no choice, came back to this town again.
It’s really a nice place to live, and a nice place to work. No traffic jam, not many pollution,…the only complaint I have is the high cost of living…
Other than that, nothing to complaint really. Not even the minim entertainment in the town. I am satisfied enuff to be able to drink my usual cup of tea in my regular depot kopi I always go. Sit there, and chat or sometimes only to read some books.

Then, there came the news… my hubby will be transferred to other location.
My feeling? Excited! Start thinking we’re gonna see something different, experience new things in other people’s country. But tonight, it came to my realize that I perhaps would not step to this place again…ow, it hurts my feeling little bit. I love this city, the city that has lots memory, lots sentimental value within.

My mind thinking of all the friends am gonna leave: Nia, en Silkair buddies, Asiong my goodfriend from the beginning I came to this place, Ujjayini my nice neighbor, Sania, all my neighbor in bpn…I, bpn church,. my doggie Gio-gio who is now given away to another dog lover, Ibu Yuyuk.

I dunno what’s in store for us, but I hope there will be something good lies ahead us.

For the sake of the memory, I put some of our home pix in bpn – definitely gonna miss it.
It's not really our house, it's a company rented house. How I wish it to be mine..hehe..

Here's my garden that I always proud of, thanks to Anto my gardener.