Tuesday, May 20, 2008


When have it, sometimes you don't appreciate it. But, when it's not around, only then u know they're so meaningful!

Siapa sih yang gak kesel gak bisa nonton acara kesayangan, mau final lagi..uuh, gemes banget.
IIhhh pokoknya jengkel banget. Entah kenapa ada cable tv, semua channel bisa, lah...bagian starworld-gak terdeteksi..ilang channelnya. Kurang asem!
Mau subscribe, wuih gila mahal banget. setaon - yang paling komplet alias klas platinum (istilahnya sene), USD900/taon. Itu juga gak pake discovery living & travel, dun even talk about Asian Food Channel..gggrrrrmm.
Aku akhirnya putusin pasang yang lower class, alias Gold Class. Harganya USD650/taon.
Dan itu, GAK ADA starworld!!!! PUsing deh.
Geram, JEngkel, Pusing, Mawu Mwuarah..!!!!!!
Sorry Duo David, aku gak bisa nonton kalian berdua malem ini! Selama ini aku cuman bisa pasrah nonton replay kalian di sini.

Friday, May 16, 2008


He is north, She is South
He is a negative, She is a positive
He is a dragon, She is a snake
He likes salty, She likes sweet
He likes fat, She hates fat
He does things slow, She does things rush
He is a perfectionist, She is an average
He is organized, She is a mess
He plans things ahead, She plans last minute
He is a busy bee, She is a lazy pig
He never rest, She is resting all day long
He is casual, She is formal
He is tight, She is jovial
He is logical, She is emotional
He is calm, She is a panicky
He likes bright shirt, She likes dark shirt
He eats the noodle, She drinks the soup
Dunno why they united, but perhaps because they complement each other.

Monday, May 12, 2008

farewell to you Jason!

Last week, we bid farewell to Jason Castro. Well, I had already predicted that after he flubbed the lyric. Having said that, I think it's best that he is gone before final 3. The 3 survivor finalist now are David Archulleta (which is me and millions of watchers have forcasted!), David Cook (another popular finalist), and the not so popular but have wonderful voice Syeisha Mercado. Jason if I have to compare with rest of them, hmm...(hard for me as a fan to say this) stil below their level.
If he were through, and manage to be final 3, I think he would only be the jokes by many people. And as a fan, I hate to think that!!!
So jason, happy to see you leaving is not because I hate you, it's just simply because I love you..
Good bye dear, get a record, and I'll get your cd....this, I promise!