Saturday, June 28, 2008

Story of the duo chef goes the story,
It was a one fine day.
The little chef was fancy to bake something.
Then both big chef and little chef worked.

This is the kitchen,

Here she was shifting the flour.

Then, started to mix the flour and milk....en...erm....perhaps tried lil bit..
Then, poured in the egg....whisk whisk whisk.. It's well combined...and batter needed to put aside..Hmm...She's really into it. Can't you see how serious she looked?
She liked to stir and stir so much... til she din wanna stop! Big chef forced to take the batter away!!

She gave long face, din want to see the big chef's face.

She started to cry..

And more cry...
And another act of rolling on the floor..

Big chef tried to calm no avail.. then, she brought little chef outside to see the nice wheather and nice garden.

Phewf... *relief mode-on*, Little chef happy again.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Sepeda ku oh sepedaku

Kalo udah tinggal di vungtau -vietnam sini, tapi gak punya sepeda gak afdol deh rasanya. Pemandangan disini indah, udaranya segar. Polusi gak seberapa deh. Jadi gaya hidup sehat kayaknya bisa diterapkan lah disini.

Ngomong2 soal hidup sehat, orang vietnam sini emang gaya hidupnya sehat banget. Pagi2 bener udah pada joging. Rata-rata naek sepeda en motor. Porsi makan yang gak besar2, en serba pemakan sayur2an mentah. Weleh weleh.. * geleng-geleng kepala *. Kayaknya sekarang aku tau banget kenapa gak ada yang gemuk disini.
Yang ini bener2 lho, gak boong. Kalo gak percaya, coba aja kesini. Rata2 orang nya kuecil2, dan dari yang muda, ampe yang tua..langsing..cenderung kurus.
Mungkin aku kalo jalan2 ketauan bukan orang vietnam-nya, abis badan diluar ukuran rata2 manusia disini. :o))))
Mumpung disini, perlu juga neh rasanya untuk ikutan healthy life-style. Jadilah aku beli sepeda.
Tapinya...ehm, ada tapinya, aku belinya electronic bycicle. Ceritanya sih, biar ada olahraganya, tapi kalo pas gak kuat..or pas penyakit malas kumat, biarlah bateri bekerja. LOL.
Neh, tak pamerin sepedaku
Bangga banget lah, punya sepeda ini. Ada juga goncengan buat si zoey.
Cool, eh? (Kampungan ya sayah ..)

Pedicure - Medicure

One day, I passed by a small girl.

She asked, Pedicure medicure mam?
I was intriqued by how small she was..and wondering how good she would be.
I asked, Could you do a French manicure?
She replied, No..I only do an abstract manicure.
Hmm, I wondered. Never heard of it before. Perhaps it's the latest fashion of pedi-medi world.
Then, there I was...helplessly let my toes to be on her capable hands.
After few minutes flew.
I then figured out what she meant by abstract design.
See the process..

And here is the final result, Abstract design!

and meet the artist...

and how she did for herself..

She offered me, to introduce her to all my friends. For my friends, no Anyone interested?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Dear Diary

** update 28th June: Some pix of the party ** (someone took them, luckilly!)

  1. My worst nightmare came, baby fell sick again, no mood to eat. Well, she's getting better now, but..all foods seem no more appealing now to her. I hate to see her like this. She was a healthy eater last time. Puff, hope she will change. All different kinda food I had prepared for her, If I get lucky she would eat 5 spoons. No lucky, not even a single spoon get into her mouth.I can see some weight lost now. I just hope, this is just me that worry too much. Things will get better, Keep my finger cross.
  2. Hubby is going for training in Dubai for a week, hmm.. I mizz him. House is so empty without him.
  3. Did the barbecue party a couple weeks ago. It was fun, at least I can meet people! Been lonely in this new place. Good things we had this gathering, something that kept me busy, even drove me nuts! Hey, I never expected to prepare small party would be that tiring!!! It's great though. Through the night we had the kebab, nasi goreng, bihun goreng, salad, grilled chicken wings, Chocolate fountain, Cheesecake. Great chit-chat, overflow drinks, fun billyard. No pictures taken, just lazy to take.