Saturday, December 27, 2008

look what I've got!

We have eventually returned to vungtau, a month earlier than expected. Our plan initially was to come back for a day or two then go back to phitsanulok again. However, after a thorough decision, me and my baby decided to stay back make life easier, and cheaper?? :o)

Staying in thailand at the beginning was tough, but coming to the end of my stay -it was much easier. As we already know the places where to go, playground for zoe to play, etc, however my baby's diet was my biggest concern. Staying in hotel din leave me with much choices of food to eat. Specially for my baby, as am sure they always put bunch of MSG.
Hence, I prefer to stay back here in vungtau. ALso with the big belly, I rather not to travel as much.

I was quite satisfied with my shopping spree I did in bangkok. I din buy anything in phitsanulok. I got a bag, a present from me to me for my birthday. No, my hubby is not stingy, but I told him I wanna buy myself something this time. Sometimes, spending your own money was more satisfying. I think the bag was really representing my character, and my need. It doesnt take fortune compared to the branded bags, say LV, Gucci, and the gank (which I fancy to buy one day :o),!, deb) It's bulky size, could fit many things that I can throw in. Am talking about my baby milk bottle, diaper, sun glasses, and many other baby stuff. Yeah, Am a mother of a toddler, hence a big bag is the one i need. Besides, I dun like small bag. Seem they are too small for my big size body. Ehm..
Look at my bag, I just love it! It's really love at first sight!

The other two item I got were shoes. GOsh, it's so difficult to get a shoe my size and my taste in vietnam. The nice ones normally are too small for my feet. Yes, the ladies here generally are petite size. And again, feet not that big either. Mine consider normal, if you're wondering.
I need flat shoes this time, because high heel dun seem possible for me to carry my big belly.
If you see my shoes, I think you know why I love these shoes...

Love them, love them, and love them..

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

adios thailand.

It's so funny. At the beginning of my stay in Thailand, for the first couple of weeks I kept whining and complaining. Now, my term of stay here ended and have to return to vietnam. Somehow there's something missing, I feel sad to leave the place.
Kept saying that it was dead city. However the truth was, it was a peaceful place. With many of friendly faces you can easily find everycorner of your ways.
It's not dead city at all! I find many places I could choose to go compare the place that we're currently living. My baby also finds it enjoyable, as she could play in the playground that she loves to visit. She also made many friends the record - she's more famous than me here..:o)
No matter how reluctant I am to leave, stil we have no choice but to go.
Til then Phitsanulok, adieu...we'll come back again someday!

when i fall in love

Jatuh cinta berjuta rasanya...
Aku merasa seperti melayang di awan
Aku merasa seperti remaja kembali
Aku merasa muda 10 tahun
Jatuh cinta berjuta rasanya...
Ingin rasanya selalu berdekatan dengannya
Ingin rasanya selalu bersentuhan dengannya
Andaikata setiap hari aku boleh jatuh cinta...
Hidup serasa surga

Phitsanulok, 22December08
When I am falling in love

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Zoey is turned 2 years!

Pada saat aku menulis ini, Zoey udah berumur 2taon 2bulan. Sebenernya telat banget nyak untuk nulis tentang ultah dia yang kedua. Tapi dari pada ndak lah. Takut lupa, pas dia gede nanti..gak ada memori di usia 2taonnya.
Ultah dia dirayain di Semarang pas kemaren mudik lebaran. Sebenernya mau simpel, makan keluarga. Aku gak ngurusin apa2 sih, pokoknya sebelum pulang aku suruh aja mamaku untuk pesen catering, en bla2...siapa yang diundang terserah doi aja.
Dalem bayangan kepala pasti cuman keluarga aja, eh ternyata mama mengundang seluruh gang nya baek yang aku kenal atau yang aku kagak kenal. Total undangan sekitar 50orang, dan banyakan orang tua............aaaa semua..Haha.
Kasiannya anakku, merayakan ultah dengan kakek kakek dan nini nini.
Ada sih sepupu2 dia yg cuman 2-3 org yg sepantaran. Yah, gak apa lah...paling juga belum ngeh dia.
Karena zoey getol banget ama Barney, aku minta di pesenin Barney Cake. Dalam pikiran ku, maunya yang 3D getu, pake fondant biar keliatan lucu. Tapi kayaknya belum ada yang bisa bikin kayak gitu deh di bakery yang kami tunjuk. Tapi ya sutra, yang penting ada gambar Barneynya, Zoey toh gak isa bedain mana barney yg cute en yg asal jadi.. :o))
Cakenya cukup gede, 40 x 60cm, dengan diskon 50%, bayarnya cuman 350ribu rph...murah banget kan? makanya aku gak banyak komplain dengan hasil barneynya..Lha wong murah, mau bagus. Kebangetan kan? Tapi rasa cakenya, mak nyus juga. Banyak yang bilang wuenak. Karena kami pesen jgn pake ovalet, supaya gak ngendal rasanya di lidah. En beneran, tanpa ovalet, rasanya muantap banget.
Zoey dapet hadiah kalung emas ber liontin kan anjing2 an dari neneknya. It's very cute. Hadiah dari aku sendiri...hmm..apa ya, pestanya itulah.
Baju pestanya sendiri, dapet warisan dari sepupunya. Jadi bener2 simpel deh. Waktu ultah karena yg dateng banyak orangtua, ya gak ada acara buat anak2. Yang ada, begitu semua dah kumpul, berdoa lalu makan. Setelah kenyang pada pulang...

Foto2 pas acara ultah untuk sekarang belum bisa di upload, karena masih di vungtau, tapi begitu kami pulang nanti pasti aku upload.
Zoey sendiri diusia yang genap 2taon, semakin keliatan karakternya. Dia lebih ekspresif dalam mengungkapkan apa yang dia mau. Kalimat kalimat lebih panjang dari sebelumnya, walaupun terkadang masih kebalik balik tata bahasanya, dan juga masih campur-campur antara bahasa inggris dan bahasa indonesia. Namun setelah pulang dari Indonesia, bahasa Indonesia nya lebih lancar dari bahasa Inggrisnya.
Dia juga sudah mulai menyanyikan lagu2 anak-anak dengan lengkap dari awal ampe akhir dengan lancar, dan jelas. Dari lagu baa baa black sheep, twinkle2, I love you -you love me nya barney, satu-satu, nina bobo,sampe lagu Liang qe lao hu. Seneng banget dengerin dia bisa nyanyiin dengan lengkap, secara dulu aku sering bertanya-tanya kapan anakku bisa nyanyi yang bener. It's one achievement for her!
Dia juga sudah mulai suka makan yang rada manis-manis, sudah mulai doyan nyemil. Walaupun sayur masih susah masuk, makanannya masih terbatas nasi, dan daging2...
Belakangan dia suka sekali baca buku 'Where's Wally?'. Surprisingly, dia bisa menemukan semua karakter yang ada dibuku Wally dengan cepat, dan juga semua barang2 yang kecil kecil seperti key, bone, dog tail, scroll. Dia sangat menikmati buku ini, dari buka mata dipagi hari hingga malam sebelum tidur pasti minta untuk baca buku ini. Waduh, sampe mata mamanya juga belekan kebanyakan liat buku ini.
Pertanyaan2 sudah susah dibendung, terkadang heran juga ini anak kog kuat sekali ngomong gak ada istirahatnya! Liat orang tua pake topi, nanya.."mama - unclenya pake apa tuh??" Kata-kata apa tuh, gak pernah stop diucapkan dan diulang2 mulu. Walaupun kadang capek jawabnya, tapi kayaknya emang masa dia - masa2 lagi penasarannya tinggi, jadi kita yg jadi orangtua maklum aja.
Tingginya diusia 2taon dah mencapai 87cm, gak montok lagi kayak dulu. Sekarang cuman pipinya aja yang sedikit gembul, sedangkan badannya udah gak kayak michelin lagi.
Mami doain ya nak, kamu selalu sehat, cantik, cinta Tuhan, dengerin orang tua dan pintar!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

am lucky to be stranded here!

I was about to cry this morning when i found out that the laptop I bring couldn't turn on. Was hopeless, and wondering what I would do next to kill the time here. and now, taraa...just because of my foolishness not knowing that i was supposed to switch on the button to have the power cord on. Whatever it is, am glad i have my computer back in life.

Yes, after almost one week stranded in bangkok with uncertainty feeling, yesterday we arrived here in pitsanoluk by train that took us around 5hours from bangkok.
Many of my friends concern about me and my family here, that I appreciate so much.
However, I have to tell you honestly..If I have to be stranded somewhere, bangkok was really my choice. Haha..I enjoyed all the food when I was there. The mango sticky rice, the Thai tea. Oh my goodness, all the food just enriching my body to the fullest! 2 kg in a week? ow dear lord. Make me scared to death!
Everyday is a new day for me to make a new resolution, no more sweet stuffs, no more sweet stuffs...(keep reminding my self), but that thai tea!..gosh, why they make it so nice?? why is it so tempting?? two glasses not enuff. and why is it so full of calories?? oh yeah, the condensed milk, the cream? hmmm...the caffein also. I know it's not good to consume when u pregnant.. but, mercy's just so hard! irresistable. Blaming myself everyday.

We stil dunno when exactly we'll be out of here, the plan is somewhere mid of jan09. However, If I can't stand it, perhaps I'll go back home vungtau earlier.
Zoe been good,and extremely behaved compared when she's in vungtau which am quite pleased about. I hope she will stay the same.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Away (again)

We'll be away to Phitsanoluk, Thailand effective tomorrow, 25th November until (probably) mid January 2009.
If we're lucky enuff to have internet conx, I'll be blogging as usual.
Miss y'all!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We're BACK!!!

Hai hai long havent posted anything here. I guess i start to abandon this blog. Yeah, We've just come back from a one month holiday in my hometown.Only me, and my baby without my hubby. A full month of laziness, full month of eating the meals I've been longing to have, a full month of doing nothing!
See, you get what I mean? and somehow i stil carry this 'disease' back to to vungtau.

So, what's new after one month holiday?..let me see:
1. a broken camera....yes, my baby has pinched the sensor of the camera lens and it doesn't work anymore.

2. a much bigger tummy! I promised myself last time, to try to control my body weight, not to increase so fast. But i guess, that's impossible if what i always did was letting my butt stuck on sofa. I remember, when I went home I wore this cargo pant and it kept dropping as I din have my belt on. However, one month later it's no longer fit me.
3. You could now imagine me walking like a big elephant, so every inch of my lower body aching.
4. Yes, we have found out...It's a baby boy. No point of keeping it as a secret, eh? A pair that we're gonna have.
5. Zoey din have apetite during her stay in Indonesia. She din want to eat, regardless all kind of foods prepared for her, milk?? ermm....sorry mama, no mood to drink as well. Result? lost 1.5kg in a month time. Headache for every mom, eh?
But, good things happened after we arrive in VT. Her appetite slowly returned to its path..:o)
6. My baby becomes 'tukang bully kid' now! a shock?! not only you, me as well. I feel scared everytime she tried to approach other kid or baby. She will push, pull, or hit them.
Yeah, after bullying the animal, now she turns to another children as the victim.. :o)
Where was that a sweet funny caring little gal I had? I hope it's just a cycle that she will go through. Please, bring me back my old sweet little baby! :o))
However, I can see that she's brighter than ever, funnier than ever too, every comment she makes always make me laugh. I tell you, she's really one little clown. Zoe is fully aware that her mommy is having a baby inside her tummy. People keep asking her not to ask mommy to carry her all the time. She heard that enuff, i guess. The other day, we went to shopping mall she carried this small plastic bag. She seems lazy to carry the bag anymore, than she said,'"Mommy, you carry this, it's heavy, zoe stomache have baby!" I can't stop laughing!..and yes, she seemed serious saying it.

Holidaying is nice, however the nicest place for me is being with family, your hubby and your baby wherever you are. Home sweet home, to me!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


We're now holidaying in my hometown. You will not see us for sometimes. Well, I might post somethings if time and idea permit.

nyum...nyum...nyum...(typing and eating my favourite wonderful!)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Zoe dan si anak anjing

Anak anjing ini kami panggil Kiki, tapi kayaknya sih dia belum ngeh kalo namanya Kiki. Lha wong tiap kali dipanggil gak pernah dateng. Ya sutra, namanya juga masih anak2..:o)
Eniway, singkat cerita si Kiki ini sempat menjadi bagian dari keluarga kami selama beberapa minggu, setelah keluarga kami sempat ketambahan ikan Lohan. Status mereka sama-sama, tidak mendapat persetujuan dari saya.

Ketika suatu hari minggu yang cerah ceria, tiba2 suami saya celetuk bahwa dia udah beli akuarium...dan besok sudah bakal mendapat sumbangan bayi2 ikan lohan 6ekor!
Whatt???!! Yah, dia gak bilang sama saya karena sudah pasti saya bilang BIG NO! Well, I am obviously not an animal lover. Dan sekarang si Lohan sudah mulai unjuk gigi, selang 2bulan kemudian, udah mulai menunjukkan kepalanya yang gede.

Dan, kejutan berikutnya terjadi setelah kami pulang dari liburan, tiba-tiba sang tukang jaga membawa seekor puppy untuk sang majikan lelaki. Wah, tentu saja si majikan lelaki yang maniak anjing senang sekali, dan tanpa bilang2 sang majikan perempuan yang laki ublek2 dapur , mengiyakan dengan bahagia. Si anak perempuannya yg lagi tidur, dengan gak sabar dibangunnkannya - biasa ga tahan pengen pamer...karena si anak perempuan juga gak kalah maniak binatang...what a pair!! Si tukang jaga rupanya kasian ngliat sang anak perempuan yang suka sekali pergi ketetangga untuk ngliat puppy, ternyata puppynya mati ketabrak motor.
Mulailah saat itu, hari2 dirumah penuh keributan dengan si Kiki, dengan si anak perempuan yang lari2 ketakutan dikejar anjing, atawa si anak perempuan yang lagi menyiksa si anjing.
Terkadang si anak perempuan yang belum pahan kelakuan anjing akan terus maksa supaya waktu makan, si puppy kudu ngabisin susu yang dibuat, or daging yang disediain...pokoknya sampe si puppy neg ketakutan liat si anak perempuan ini.

Sang mama yang ngliat kelakuan anaknya suka histeris sendiri, hari-hari jadi suka spaneng! darah tinggi, kerjaannya jadi suka teriak... Zoe NOOOO!!!, DONT DO THATTTT!!! OR KIkI NOOO!!!..GOOO GOOO... Ketika ngliat sang anak mengangkat puppy dengan menarik kedua telinganya, atau terkadang ekornya aja...(aduh..bisa mati itu puppy), atau risih ngliat si puppy njilat2 muka si anak perempuan.
Udah sang mama yang lagi hamil, pake acara mual, jadi suka jerit2...wah, komplet banget hidupnya.

Sang mama tidak suka sama anjing, karena punya histori yang gak mengenakan dengan si anjing. Dulu waktu masa2 di balikpapan, si anak perempuan setelah umur 8bulan kerjaannya keluar masuk dokter...sakit yang sama, batuk pilek batuk pilek....baru sembuh 3hari, sakit lagi..begitu terus...Sampe capek sendiri, dan gak tega ngliat si bayi yang dicekokin obat en antibiotik mulu. Ternyata belakangan setelah konsultasi dengan beberapa dokter anak, akhirnya diambil kesimpulan kalo sang anak alergi dengan sesuatu.

Karena yang bisa disalahin waktu itu adalah si anjing piaraan, ya udah deh..sampe skrg sang mama rada antipati dengan keberadaan anjing disekitar anak perempuan.
Ternyata kekuatiran sang mama beralasan.. beberapa hari adanya si, sang anak batuk2, dan mulai runny nose. Gak tau apa ya kebetulan karena pancaroba, atau ya si Kiki ini penyebabnya. Sang mama terus berdebat dengan sang papa yang masih gak yakin kalo si Kiki ini jadi biang sakitnya sang anak. Ampe akhirnya si antibiotik yang udah nyaris abis gak ada hasilnya. Sang mama langsung ambil tindakan sendiri, KIRIM BALIK INI PUPPY KE YANG PUNYA!!!
Waktu sang papa lagi dikantor, si mama talipun...
"Honey, Get yourself mentally prepared..."


"I've returned the puppy."

...silent for a while...

"How Zoe take it?"

"Well, She seems to understand... She thought the dog brought by Mr. Seng to his house, to sleep over there, and she's pretty ok with that."

"If she's ok, then fine.."

Hang up phone.... Sang mama...tersenyum penuh kemenangan.. :o)))
and yes, Setelah beberapa hari...Zoe sembuh...ahhh....teori si mama benar rupanya.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The second miracle is coming

Ok, I should have posted this long time back. At least to let some of my friends know that am now pregnant, yes Zoe is gonna have sibbling!
I have now wrapped my first semester of the pregnancy. The ups and downs during the first three months, really made me lazy to post anything about it. Lost my mood, spent most of my days either snuggled in my bed, or throwing up in the toilet.
The first month was actually okay, I hardly felt I thought this time would be different experience from the first pregnancy. Good!

Second month came, and I had breakout on my face! gosh, never in my wildest dream I had so many acnes on my face! Yeah, I seldom had acne...if yes, that meant only one or two!
This time, hmm.. so embarrassed to say, I lost count of them. Too many! Complaining everyday to my hubby, til he also gave up dunno what else comfort words could convince me that I was stil beautiful as always on his eyes!
Hormones baby, blame it to hormones!...everyday is not a good day, tried to be cheerful..but it's just so hard!
Zoe was more cranky too, so spoilt to mommy, easily cry when she didnt get what she wanted. Expected mommy to carry her most of the times. Those just made things worsen.
Imagine this, Nauseas, always felt cold, couldnt bare feet when touched the floor- The chill from the tile would rush spreading to my whole body and made me vomit.
I really hate the second month.
The third month was slowly getting better eventhough now and then I stil had the morning sickness. If one day I felt better, the following day, not neccessarily I felt better too.
We spent the last two weeks of my third month of pregnancy in Kuala Lumpur. Hmm...before I went for holiday, I already imagining all the nice delicacies I would enjoy there. Had them listed on my head. However funny things happened. Out of the blue, I found all kinds of meat just sickening me! I couldnt swallow anything with meat inside. I just had vegetables during my trip there. Can you imagine, that you are in Malaysia where all nice delicacies you can find, and all you eat is only vegie??
What a waste really, I past all those nice prawns, crispy pork, steam fish....grrrhhmm..
So, the first semester over, and I just started my new second semester. The second semester theoritically should be the best phase of the pregnancy.
Well, I just keep my finger cross! Pray to God to give me strenght every night and day, that's what I need. Having a kid and expecting, is really not an easy thing to go through.
I am missing my mom so much now, wishing her to be around me now. Having her around like my first pregnancy was a GREAT help. Her gentle hand would massage me whenever I felt nauseas, the morning sickness stil there..but it soothed me.
I have made a plan to go back home next month, I just can't wait. Am counting the days now..

Saturday, August 16, 2008


We'll be away for two weeks start from today ( 16 August -... ), miss us!
I hope we can come back with more interesting holiday stories!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

When Zoe meets baby

What happen when Zoe meets baby?

Refused to give away baby, and asked mommie to bring baby home inside mommie' s bag.
Haiya.....kid! She might think that the baby was a doll.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Terrible Two

Day by day Zoe's development always amazes me. Next week she'll be 22months. Her range of vocabularies increases a lot than I can remember. Sometimes, I just dunno where she learnt all those words. She also started to combine word by word into simple sentences.
Out of the blue-yesterday, she said:" Thao cook no good!"and continued " Zoe cook good" :))) As you might know Thao is our helper at home. That sentence really astonished me. Then I asked her, what do you cook good? She replied," Zoe cook bubun (read: bubur)" meaning she cooks porridge. Me and Thao can't help but laughing.

However, in this stage. I find lots of difficulties tackling her. As she slowly knows what she wants, she doesnt want to listen instruction anymore. This is the difficult part. I recently always have to raise my tone speaking to her....and shockingly she did the same way as what I did.
I have to face the reality that she is now in the " Terrible Two" stage :o)). I din create that word by the way, the paeditrician i met introduced the word to me today.
When I ask her to listen to me, she would act as if i weren't there. It makes me feel like- what have I done wrong to her? and feels like a terrible mother.
However, from a conversation with the doctor today I felt bit relieve. I think all moms in this world might experience it, and I shouldnt think that way. I guess, am just overthink it.

The doctor advise me, at her stage now parents need to be firm on the rules. Otherwise, they will not respect your instruction.
She's also more expressive these days. Last saturday, after having bfast outside we went home. Reaching home, she's complaining," Zoe tired!", giving us a flagging face. :o))
Or else in the morning, after she wakes up and see me without me asking-she will say," I loss you , mommie!" :o)) what she's saying is I love you mommie. Isnt that the sweetest thing you want to hear from your kids?

Being a parent is a form of art, different kid would need a different way to tackle. There are times that am complaining too, but more moments to enjoy being with them.
Zoe's been teaching loads of things, teach me how to be more patient person, teach me to be more knowledgable so i can teach her better, teach me to be a more fun person since am hanging out with her, many life lessons.
I loss you too baby..:)))

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Am a happy helper! :)

Okay, the background story was:

This girl below was supposed to take shower. However she ran away from mommie who'd been chasing her. Mommie lost her. Dunno where she was, but eventually find her when she was doing below action!

When asked what she was doing, she answered," Hep thao..." (Read: Help thao-my helper)
How could mommie get angry if she's trying to be nice??? :)

Welcome home baby!

Welcome home baby, I miss you so much!
I know that I've been neglecting you. Well, the correct word perhaps is underestimated you.
I've been comparing you with others, but now I realize you're stil the one that I love.
Am so sorry for the way I behave towards you.
When you were sick, and you couldnt do your job. I was missing you so dearly.
It really opened my eyes how badly i treated you. You were so sleek, thin, and so nice to carry.
That's what I miss the most. Not a big baggage!
Baby, I promise you to treat you better than ever.
Welcome home baby!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Am a BIG GAL now!

My mom told me, am now 21 months!
and..that's a BIG number!
I have to start to do things myself,
eat myself, play myself-meaning dun disturb mommie all the times when she's blogging :)
and brush my teeth myself.
Everymorning, after wake up from my cozy bed, first thing I do is...kiss good morning to mom and dad...
then go to bathroom to brush my teeth.
and YES, I like it so much that I dont like my mom to help me anymore!
Am a BIG GAL, I know I can do it!

Do you know that I can goggle too?

See how clean my teeth now.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A celebrity caught bikini pose!

E-online: Zoey Yong, a recent booming celebrity from Malaysia was caught in the act by paparazzi when she was doing her bikini pose for cover of VOQUE Baby Magazine. Psst.. we heard from a trusted source that she was paid 100,000 USD for this photoshoot.

Despite of surrounded by at least 10 persons, and all the lightings - Zoe was surprisingly seemed so relaxed and comfort during the session.

She was captured before the shooting started - drank a mineral water

Here's some pictures during the photoshoot:

This is the picture when she's trying to chase away the paparazzi

And she's having fun after the photosession over..

Friday, July 4, 2008


I admit that Zoey doesnt have lots of toys. Call me a stingy mom, I dun mind. * In fact, I agree .. LOL *. I dun really like buying her toys, cause hey, children's toys are not cheap, ok??!. Furthermore, I hate to think all those toys will pile up and I dunno where I would store all those stuffs.
Most of her toys are given, gifts over her first birthday from her friends. If not, I could guarantee that she has nearly nothing. kakakakak..

Well, yes, of course I bought her something too. Am stingy-but not thaattt stingy!. I buy some affordable toys, (this means around 10usd toy-the most). More than that, I usually will just put the toys back in the shop rack.. :)
I believe the best thing happen for your kids are not the expensive toys, but it's the parents around them. Toys won't subtitute that. I dun say, we can't buy toys for our children. Sure we can, but also ensure that we have the quality time with them.
BTW, dun you notice eventhough our kids have many nice toys *at least that's what we think*, most of the time they dun want to play with it? They would rather to play with junks, etc: empty can, spoon, fork, en stuffs other than their expensive toys? * see ? you know what I mean *
Ok, nuff with the rambling (back to the real topic!)
Yesterday, I tried to make something together with her. I wanted to play -play dough- with her, and as u would know where the story goes, She doesnt have play dough. Therefore, I decided to make the playdough myself. Just for you to know, there are many different type of playdough that you could choose for making your own. Could be a cooked or non cooked. This time i choose the non cooked saltdough.

If you want to make also, here's the ingredients u need to prepare:

Salt Dough
1 cup salt
1 1/4 cup water
3 cups flour

1. Dissolve salt in water.

2. Stir in the flour, one cup at a time, until it is nice and soft.

3. You can shape it or cut it out with cookie cutters. Bake at 200 degrees until hard.

my helper, thao

my guard, tuoc

my baby busy with the cookie cutter

here's some of the finish result before bake

this is the result after bake

4. Paint with regular acrylics. (I used the waterpaint)

Zoe's seriously painting

the end result, after painting (not too bad, eh?)

Note: This recipe is great for Christmas ornaments and magnets.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Go Green!

Belakangan ini aku lagi giat2nya ngajarin zoe ngublek2 taman. Maksudnya ngublek2 disini adalah nyiramin tanaman.. :) Aku pengen ngajarin zoe untuk menghargai tanaman sejak dini.

Jadi sambil nyiramin tanaman, aku sedikit 'brainwash' zoe tentang bagaimana tanaman itu bisa tumbuh besar. Apa makanannya tanaman...en bla bla nya.
Keliatannya sepele aja, tapi aku kog yakin sedikit demi sedikit hal-hal kecil ginian pasti nyantol di kepala anak kita. Jangan dianggap remeh otak kecil anak kita, mungkin kita pikir apa ya ngerti to yang kita omongin. But trust me,they're way smarter than we really think they are.
Kalo dari kecil dah ngerti bahwa tanaman disekeliling kita itu penting, moga-moga aja nti besarnya gak ada lagi yang namanya illegal logging. Welleh..weleh ampe segitu :o)
Dia jadinya sekarang punya kebiasaan baru, setiap abis bangun tidur sore-sore langsung minta pergi ke taman. Untuk nyiramin 'temen-temen' barunya itu. Dia kayaknya gak tahan pengen ngliat temen2nya itu jadi besar.
Btw..saking senengnya ama hobi barunya, dia sampe kelupaan nonton barney..:O)
Tertangkap basah kamera

muka baru bangun tidur
asyik nyiram
